Adulterous Affairs Don’t Begin with Sex; They Begin with Inappropriate Friendships

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2                     It seems …

Forgiveness…4 Principles to Apply to Your Life

“Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and then hoping the other person dies.”                  –Saint Augustine Forgiveness is one of the most difficult and most misunderstood concepts in all of life. Refusal to do it can create a toxic root of bitterness in our hearts. A lack of …

Adulterous Affairs Don’t Begin with Sleeping Together

“Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming.”  Song of Songs 2:15 Adulterous Affairs Don’t Begin with Sleeping Together; they begin with inappropriate friendships. Friendship and emotional attachments with people of the opposite sex can spell danger for your marriage. This is where you …

Stay True Advice…Baylee’s list of roughly 55 things all teenagers need to know

We shared this 2 years ago when our youngest daughter graduated from high school. Since it's that time of the year again, it seemed appropriate to share again. Baylee, as well as the other graduating Seniors from our Youth Group, were asked by our Youth Pastor to share some wisdom and advice to those still …

3 Keys for Your Boys in A Sex Saturated Culture

  The first time I saw a Playboy magazine, I was about 12 years old and hanging out at a friend’s house. My buddy had covertly collected a secret stash of magazines under his bed. He had gone to great lengths to acquire the contraband, and his bedroom stash became the stuff of legend among our …

10 Simple Ways to Love On Your Wife

Husbands, please listen carefully... I want to share with each of you what basic, simple actions you can do to show love to your wife every day. Love doesn't mean five-star restaurants or tropical island getaways. It's the simple things that matter most. While dream vacations and life milestones are important, it’s the simple things …

5 Things Happily Married Couples Do Not Do…

You know who these couples are. You see them out to lunch, laughing and comfortable in each other’s presence, giving each other their full attention. They are affectionate, even after years of togetherness. And they genuinely like each other; it’s as plain as the nose on your face. You can’t imagine them not being able …

3 Ways To Improve Communication With Your Spouse

“Communication is key.” How many times have we either heard or said that sentence.  When we truly think about that sentence, it is not only a true statement but everything we do hinges on communication. Whether it be verbal or non-verbal, we all communicate with one another on a daily basis. The sad reality is …

The Top 10 from Redeeming The White Space

It has been an amazing year for us. We have been blessed to encounter and counsel many couples.  We have witnessed God’s hand in the healing and restoration of 9 couples. We have also been blessed to journey with many others as they chose to Redeem the White Space in their marriages and families. We …

Can I Smash My Daughter’s Cell Phone- PART II

Here is the last of Jonathan McKee's 5 part series on Guardrails for our children. If you have enjoyed them, then sign up for his newsletter to be delivered to you into your inbox. We’ve set guardrails, including some really well thought out cell phone boundaries that should be no problem for our kids to …